
LAW 2 Law of Acceptance

“Accept life as it comes to us with gratefulness and without conditions.”

To enable ourselves to stay on the path of adding the highest value, we must first accept life as it comes to us — with utter gratefulness and unconditionally — without prejudice, fear, judgment, or regret. As a consequence, we will operate in the present and will then be in a position to explore the hidden opportunities — in both our failures and successes — to add the highest value.

Life is full of rich experiences; what we take from those experiences depends on how we choose to perceive life: it is either happening to us or for us. If we determine that all of our experiences are happening for us, then life takes on greater meaning and depth. Truly, there is nothing to fear then. Everything happens for a reason, and it’s all about our evolvement to a greater understanding of who we are, our place in the world, and how we can add to life in brilliant and immeasurable ways.

Accepting life as it comes to us is about living in the present and not living in a mind-set of what might have been or could be. It’s not about focusing on regrets derived from our past or fear of what the future might hold for us. All action and the capitalization on our opportunities can only take place in the present. We can only operate in the present when we accept our current situation and creatively figure out a way to add the highest value.


LAW 1 Law of Purpose


LAW 3 Law of Abudance