
LAW 7 Law of Change

“Living in the reality of constant motion and change, we must remain in a student mode of learning and making our best better.”

By making our best better, we are bettering ourselves. Remaining in student mode gives us unprecedented freedom, as we don’t limit ourselves in any way; we become a constant state of motion and change as we seek new solutions and more creative and productive processes to uplift everyone, not just ourselves or a select group.

Did you know that you acquire a whole new body every two to three years? Literally, the you of today didn’t exist two or three years ago because each molecule has been replaced by a new molecule. So you see, change is happening right within each of us, just as the solar system and universe are not static, but moving at incredible speeds. Once we accept the inevitability of change, we can then plan everything based on change, which is going to come about either through technology, circumstances, or events. All changes offer opportunities to add the highest value in everything we do.

Walt Disney’s “Imagineers” never stop seeking ways to improve, expand upon, and add greater value in all they do. And all of us get to benefit from their efforts in ways of which we aren’t even aware.

The world is in constant motion, and what we call reality is always changing. By

being open and not being afraid to explore and take information in without judgment, we are more apt to discover life’s continuing wonders. And who knows what areas will pique our interest, where we can contribute in some way that will benefit all of humanity and the environment? We can all become Imagineers in every area of life. Who knows what wonders the universe has in store for us? It’s time to step out of our gravity boots of safety and security, trust the universe, and soar.


LAW 6 Law of Freedom


LAW 8 Law of Values