An Introduction to True Leadership

The Discover Oneness Foundation offers many programs and services to inspire and empower your growth as a leader.

The Myths of Leadership

Did you know that many common leadership techniques are actually counterproductive?

The Myth: Leaders are born, not created.

The Reality: Perceived leaders claim leadership by whatever means available.

The Truth: True leadership happens when we understand who we truly are and begin to lead ourselves first.

The Myth: Leaders have high integrity and a well-established value system.

The Reality: Perceived leaders practice integrity only when they are being watched.  Their morals and values are borrowed and are always negotiable for a price and/or favor.

The Truth: Complete integration in Oneness gives rise to a true leader.  As a result, their value system and integrity come from within and are therefore not an act, but are an inseparable and integral part of them.

The Myth: Leaders are charismatic.

The Reality: Perceived leaders are merely well-groomed actors and are experts at putting on a show.

The Truth: True Leaders achieve charismatic results instead of being charismatic as they are integrated with their purpose and place on Earth, and thus they walk their talk.

The Myth: Leaders lead people through sincerity and trust.

The Reality: Perceived Leaders lead people by manipulating human insecurities such as fear and greed.

The Truth: True Leaders lead themselves first, thereby setting an example of trust and sincerity, nurturing and focusing everyone toward the core purpose of adding the highest value at all times

The things in life that appear to be real are not. Reality escapes us and we end up wasting our entire lives chasing falsehoods.

The Outcomes of Leadership

We often mistake a "leader" as someone who's successful, powerful, dominant, persuasive, and a winner. Unfortunately, what we're seeing exhibited are only some of the facets of "authority," not true leadership.

What should be the outcome of a true leader?

  • Winning at any cost?

  • Focusing on the destination rather than the journey?

  • Producing winners and losers or creating a win-win scenario?

  • Leading a team or producing a team of leaders?

  • Taking credit for winning or taking the blame for losing?

  • Being controlled by circumstances or capitalizing on circumstances?

  • Having the right skills and experience or comprehending and living your true purpose in life?

  • Having authority or giving authority?

  • Having titles, awards, position, and power or an indomitable will to fulfill your true purpose?

Nothing will make you a true leader until you first know who you really are and begin to lead yourself in every thought, word, and action.

What Drives Leadership?

What motivates you as a leader? Are you focusing on the opportunities to improve upon that will have the most significant impact?


  • What is true self-confidence?

  • Can a leader's confidence by sustained by self-direction and drive alone or should external factors also contribute?


  • What is the secret to effective communication?

  • Do leaders need to rely on "communication skills" or does self-integration reflected through their actions plan an integral part?


  • Is integrity more than morality, honesty, and ethics?

  • Can an individual maintain their personal values and still achieve success?

Constant Learning

  • How can leaders be curious, creative, and continuously learning while being a leader?

  • In this rapidly changing world, do leaders understand what should never change?

Powerful Intentions

  • What intentions should a leader have?

  • Does ego have a place in leadership?

An actor can play any character, but his true character can never be an act.

The Foundation of Leadership

Through analysis of ourselves and the way that our bodies and minds function, we will discover the fundamental Universal Truths surrounding us that are continuously at work.

Similar to the invisible field of a magnet...

...a piece of iron can become a very powerful magnet, capable of creating an invisible field that repels or attracts, simply by aligning the poles within.

Like a piece of iron, we all have the potential to align ourselves to the power within us that is at the core of true leadership.

Through analysis of ourselves and the way that our bodies and minds function, we will discover the fundamental Universal Truths surrounding us that are continuously at work.  When we are aligned with these Truths, we are working as Nature has designed us and thus not only operate at optimum capacity, but are free of stress, anxiety, insecurities, vanity, and fear.

Traditional education at all levels overlooks teaching these powerful Universal Truths.  Fundamentally, alignment with and mastery of "the power within you" is the foundation and catalyst of true leadership.

You cannot know, see, or practice the real truth until you discover the truth about your own inner self.

The Path of Leadership

We give leaders trophies, titles, endorsements and degrees, but they only become baggage, which hinders their journey. Their unnecessary medals, acclaim, and ego will only hold them back from climbing and surmounting the next mountain peak on their journey.

Leadership is a journey of continuous improvement wherein one's only true competition is one's own best.

We give leaders trophies, titles, endorsements and degrees, but they only become baggage, which hinders their journey.  Their unnecessary medals, acclaim, and ego will only hold them back from climbing and surmounting the next mountain peak on their journey.

True leadership cannot be driven by destinations or goals.  Every failure is actually a success and every success is a failure!

Failures expose weaknesses and provide an opportunity to convert weaknesses into strengths leading to future successes.  Conversely, all successes are achieved in spite of hidden weaknesses.  When believing themselves to be successful, leaders miss an opportunity to identify and improve upon weaknesses.

The path of leadership is not about doing extraordinary tasks, but embarking on a journey of doing every task in an extraordinary manner.

Understanding the path of leadership brings sustainable confidence because of a burning inner drive to add the highest value at all times and make a difference in every thought and action unconditionally.

It is only through leading yourself first that you are in a position to lead others. But you can’t lead yourself until you know WHAT in your needs leading and WHO is in you is capable of leading.