
LAW 3 Law of Abudance

“Abundance comes from the realization that resources do not belong to us, but are merely allocated to us to add the highest value.”

In order to operate in an abundance mentality, it is important to understand that it is not possible to own anything, as all resources belong to the bigger One and are merely allocated to us. Their allocation is either enhanced or depleted based on whether we are adding the highest value to the bigger One or not.

Many of the world’s problems are based on a “this is mine, and you can’t have it” mind-set. This territorial thinking has been with us since day one. It sets up a system of haves and have-nots and competition at any cost. Adding the highest value dispenses with egocentric, possessive thinking and seeks only to uplift the world around us. In the process, we also uplift ourselves, though that is not our primary focus, just an additional benefit. Once we leave the selfish words I, me, my, and mine out of our communication and interactions and seek only to add the highest value, the universe will take notice. Then watch and see what happens.


LAW 2 Law of Acceptance


LAW 4 Law of Integrity