
Habit 22 Respecting differences and practicing unconditional dignity

Whenever our focus is not on unconditionally adding the highest value in every thought, word and action, our older habits of simmering insecurity, greed, fear, and ego will boil over. Instead, anything unfamiliar and different begins to make us fearful and uncomfortable. Thus, anyone who looks different, dresses differently, talks differently, thinks differently, and behaves differently will make us at least apprehensive if not outright judgmental and prejudiced, which may provoke paranoia and ignite anger — derailing us from our core purpose of adding the highest value at all times.

On the other hand, when we are embedded in Oneness, we gratefully accept all conditions and circumstances as we are exposed to them. We look for opportunities to fulfill our purpose and focus of adding the highest value at all times. We automatically begin to become a student and eagerly, respectfully, and passionately learn about others’ differences. This positions us to not only effectively fulfill our purpose of serving unconditionally and making a positive difference, but to bring graceful dignity to the entire experience.


Habit 21 Listening and understanding others first


Habit 23 Never judging people