
Habit 21 Listening and understanding others first

An essential necessity of the Social-Integration Habits is to truly understand others’ needs, where they stand, and what will add the most value to them. This requires a commitment to developing unselfish and thoughtful listening skills.

Fundamentally, this Habit gives us a tool to implement all that we’ve learned with the other Habits — unconditionally adding the highest value in all that we do. To do it correctly, we must get a full picture of what will add the highest value. It requires listening to and understanding others without our egoic need of judging and impressing others.

Listening is an art and science and often requires feelings and emotions associated with not only spoken but unspoken words. Many times, others are not able to express their needs and concerns — inhibited by their fears and egos — as openly and clearly as needed and desired in order to seek appropriate help and collaboration.

Operating in Oneness gives us amazing connectivity and empathy, which positions us to not only comprehend what they’re saying, but to understand the unspoken messages hidden in their tone and body language. The wisdom of Oneness also allows us to visualize what they often are unable to see or imagine what is best for them.


Habit 20 Thinking win-win in every interaction


Habit 22 Respecting differences and practicing unconditional dignity