
Habit 16 Being responsible

If we have all sorts of degrees, knowledge and experience, but aren’t responsible and reliable, our value in the marketplace is diminished and our personal values and self-worth are compromised. It’s just as though we were a highly-acclaimed, technically advanced electric shaver that didn’t produce reliable results. We wouldn’t keep it, regardless of how much it cost.

The other side of responsibility is that when we fail to deliver, we look for excuses and for someone to blame rather than owning up to what is our responsibility. The outcome is frustration, stress, and a negative environment that robs us of success.

Success only surrounds people who reliably deliver on their commitments. When we arrive at this Habit after mastering the other Habits, then our commitments are grounded in Oneness — rather than our insecurities, greed, need for recognition and rewards, and egos. Consequently, all of our faculties and capabilities are aligned and focused on fulfilling our responsibilities. Simultaneously, we will upgrade our team’s performance, innovativeness and enthusiasm without worrying about who gets the credit. We will effortlessly be positioned for unprecedented successes.

In the absence of Oneness, our sense of responsibility only extends to our families, loved ones, and our company/team. Whereas, in Oneness, any thought, word, or action must never undermine any part of our bigger society and environment. This mindset will cultivate the Habit of being responsible wherein you never need to worry about your decisions and their long-term consequences, as everything you do adds the highest value to everything and everyone.


Habit 15 Finding goodness in every situation and everyone


Habit 17 Keeping your promises and following through