Habit 15 Finding goodness in every situation and everyone
Without investing in the first 12 Habits, we will always be guided and run by our insecurities and egos, which normally do not allow us to recognize and acknowledge goodness in anything outside of ourselves. The law of nature is that whatever plant you nurture grows. Nurturing goodness in people, we can benefit from the valuable assets they bring to the team: insights, skills, talents, and creative energy.
Noticing and acknowledging goodness in others is a positive change tool. When you complement a colleague on their good qualities or excellent performance in something, you earn “emotional credits.” These positive emotional credits can be used to bring about positive changes in your colleague’s negative habits, as they will be more open to taking your suggestion to heart and more likely to implement positive changes proactively.
We always have a choice to either focus on the positive or negative of any situation or circumstance. When we focus on the negative, all we bring about is a downward spiral of energy within ourselves and those around us. On the other hand, when we focus on the positive and try to find the good in everything and every person, we enliven, energize and inspire everyone, which in turn catalyzes a positive environment for outstanding teamwork.