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Class 1 Class 1

The first class in the series, this one welcomes you with ‘NAMASTE’. Sunder explains how this is the first exercise both for the body and the mind. It sets the tone for the series, reminding us that we come to the class emptying our minds and eager to learn what the teacher has to offer. The class lays down the foundation of breathing and movement.

Class 2 Class 2

Class 2 introduces you to how mindfulness is practiced in yoga. You learn the art of sitting down on a bolster (not on the floor). You learn to stretch forward while sitting. You also learn the basic principle of breathing out while moving within a pose or from one pose to another.

Class 3 Class 3

Class 3 introduces you to the different stretches of the spine – especially spinal twists. These are still part of establishing foundations in breathing and movement. Simple techniques to learn being in the moment.

Class 4 Class 4

Class 4 reiterates what was learnt in the last class and introduces stretching the spine upwards – in other words, lengthening the spine. Once again all this is learnt while coordinating movements with the breath.

Class 5 Class 5

Class 5 revisits all that was learned in the last 4 classes. You learn to exhale and de-stress while moving from one pose to another. The forward stretch and spinal twists in this routine establishes the learning of right breathing in a yoga routine. You learn to focus on your breath in yoga.

Class 6 Class 6

Class 6 begins with the Namaste Routine. You are introduced to Yoga Warm Ups. This class focuses on exercises for the neck.

Class 7 Class 7

Class 7 begins with Namaste Routine, but as a continuous movement, without stopping for explanations. You learn exercises for the shoulders, upper back, wrists and fingers as part of your yoga warm up routine.

Class 8 Class 8

Class 8 revises the Namaste Routine, which should have now become very familiar to you. In the yoga warm ups, in addition to the exercises for the upper body, you learn new ones for the waist, hips, lower back and thigh stretch.

Class 9 Class 9

Class 9 begins as always with the Namaste Routine. Then you go through the warm up routine, until you reach the thighs. You learn warm up exercises for the knees, ankles and finally the spinal roll that invigorates the entire back.

Class 10 Class 10

Class 10 revises the Namaste Routine and the entire warm up sequence that you learnt from Class 6 through Class 9. The warm up sequence begins from the neck and ends with the spinal roll.

Class 11 Class 11

Class 11 begins with Namaste Routine. You are introduced to Yogic Breathing. A new technique, called ‘Ujjayi’ (means Victorious) is taught to you. Glottis breathing and sound of breath is introduced.

Class 12 Class 12

In Class 12, the Namaste Routine and the Warm up routine are the first things you do. You learn more about Yogic Breathing – Ujjayi or the Victorious breath along with breathing through the Glottis is learnt more in depth. You are also introduced to inhaling via abdominal breathing – the first step in learning this technique.

Class 13 Class 13

Class 13 has the Namaste Routine and Warm ups to start off the class. These classes help you in becoming well established in these routines, so you memorize them. In the yogic breathing section, you learn the exhalation part of the abdominal breathing – the second step in learning this technique.

Class 14 Class 14

Class 14 begins with the Namaste and Warm routines. You then learn to co-ordinate both inhalation and exhalation through abdominal breathing and Ujjayi or the Victorious breath.

Class 15 Class 15

Class 15 revisits all the exercises that were learnt in the last 4 classes. It revises the Ujjayi breathing, the glottis breathing and the abdominal breathing. You are introduced to the correct ratio in yogic breathing – the ratio of 1:2.

Class 16 Class 16

Class 16 begins with Namaste and the Warm routines. You learn a new sitting pose called Vajrasana or the Thunderbolt. This forms the basis for beginning the journey into yoga poses.

Class 17 Class 17

In Class 17, you learn to breathe through the glottis while doing the Namaste and the Warm up routines. The sitting pose, Vajrasana or Thunderbolt, is learnt again in detail. You are guided to do the Ujjayi (Victorious) breathing while sitting in the Thunderbolt Pose.

Class 18 Class 18

Class 18 begins with Namaste and the Warm routines. This will be the last of the two classes that will do these two routines. You learn a new variation in the Vajrasana or Thunderbolt pose – raising your hands above your hear and stretching the spine, as you breathe through the glottis. You are also taught the art of breathing correctly while in the Thunderbolt.

Class 19 Class 19

In Class 19, as in the previous classes, the Namaste and warm routines comprise of the first half of the class. You learn another variation of the Vajrasana or the Thunderbolt pose – the spinal twist. This is in addition to the one you did in the previous class.

Class 20 Class 20

Class 20 is last class which does the Namaste and the Warm routines, as part of a class. For classes following this one, you are advised to do the warm up routine and then come to the class, so you get time to learn and practice new poses. The class revises everything that was learnt in classes 16 through 19.

Class 21 Class 21

Please do the warm up routine before beginning this class. The Warm routine is posted as a separate video link on this page. Class 21 begins with the Thunderbolt pose (Vajrasana) and the variations. You learn the Pranam Asana or the Salutation Pose – which is a forward bend, while in the Vajra or Thunderbolt pose. The class ends with Ujjayi Pranayama or the Victorious breathing technique.

Class 22 Class 22

​Class 22 begins with Vajrasana or the Thunderbolt pose and its variations. You learn the idea of stepping out of your comfort zone. The Salutation pose or the Pranam Asana is revisited and a new variation of this pose, is learnt in this class. You end the class with 5 rounds of Ujjayi or the Victorious breath, in the ratio of 1:2.

Class 23 Class 23

Class 23 begins with Thunderbolt pose and its variations. This is followed by the Pranam asana or the Salutation pose. The new pose you learn in this class is called the Moon pose or the Shashank Asana, while sitting in the Thunderbolt pose. The Moon pose is, essentially, a forward stretch. The class ends with glottis breathing and the Ujjayi or the Victorious breathing technique.

Class 24 Class 24

Class 24 consists of the Thunderbolt pose, its variations, the Salutation pose and its variations, the Moon pose. You learn to get out of a pose and relax a bit, if a pose it too difficult. The class ends with abdominal breathing with Ujjayi breathing

Class 25 Class 25

Class 25 revisits all that you learned in classes 21 through 24. You learn the term ‘Prana yama,' which means ‘breath control’. The class ends with the Ujjayi (or Victorious) breathing technique.

Class 26 Class 26

​Class 26 begins with the Thunderbolt pose and its variations. It revisits the other poses such as the Salutation and the Moon poses and all their variations. The new pose you learn in this class is the Cat Pose or the Marjari Asana. This is the basic pose that teaches you to flex the spine while on all fours, like a cat. The class ends with the deep glottis or Ujjayi breathing.

Class 27 Class 27

Class 27 begins with the sitting Thunderbolt pose (Vajrasana), the Salutation pose (Pranam asana), the Moon pose(Shashank asana) and all the variations associated with these poses. The Cat pose (Marjari asana) is again learnt in depth. The new thing you learn in this class is to go these poses in a sequence or a flow – so as to learn to breath correctly as you move from one pose to another. The class ends with 5 cycles of deep Ujjayi (Victorious) breathing technique.

Class 28 Class 28

Class 28 begins with all the sitting poses learnt in the previous classes and their variations. From the Cat pose (Marjari asana) you learn to move into a new pose called the Tiger (Vyagra asana). The class ends with 5 cycles of deep breathing.

Class 29 Class 29

Class 30 Class 30

Class 30 revisits all the poses learnt this week from class 26 through 29. You learn to do all these poses and the variations in sequence, along with rhythmic deep breathing. This is a crucial class and may need repetition, until you master the art of correct breathing as you move through the poses. As always, the class ends with 5 cycles of deep breathing.

Class 31 Class 31

Class 31 begins with the usual sitting poses and all its variations. The new pose you learn in this class is the Serpent or Snake pose (Bhujang Asana). This is the first of the lying down poses that tones your upper back muscles. The class ends with deep breathing cycle or the Ujjayi technique.

Class 32 Class 32

Class 32 begins with the Thunderbolt (Vajrasana)pose, then leads you into the Salutation (Pranam asana) pose. This is followed by the Cat (Marjari) pose and the Tiger or Vyaghrasana. The Cobra or the Serpent pose is revised and learnt in more detail. All the poses are then done in sequence. The class ends, as always in deep breathing cycle.

Class 33 Class 33

Class 33 begins, as always, with the sitting poses and their variations. After the usual poses that include the Thunderbolt pose (Vajrasana), the Salutation pose (Pranam asana), The Cat pose (Marjari asana), the Tiger pose (Vyaghrasana), the Snake pose (Bhujangasana), you learn the new pose called the Half Locust pose or Ardha Salabhasana. This works on the lower back muscles.

Class 34 Class 34

Class 34 begins with the sitting poses and their variations. In this class you are introduced to another variation of the Locust pose – with your fists placed under your thighs.

Class 35 Class 35

Class 35 revises all the poses you learnt in the last four classes – from class 31 through 34. You learn to do these poses one after another in a continuous sequence with correct breathing. The entire sequence is repeated more than once, for your benefit. As always, the class ends with 5 cycles of deep breathing.

Class 36 Class 36

Class 37 Class 37

Class 37 begins with the sitting poses. In the Tiger pose, you learn the dynamic variation of the Tiger pose in more detail. This gives you an opportunity to understand the Tiger pose better. The class ends with 5 cycles of Ujjayi breathing.

Class 38 Class 38

Class 38 covers all the poses you learned in a sequence with all the variations, thus making this an intense class. This class is ideal for repetition, until you are comfortable moving from one pose to another. The class ends with deep breathing and a moment of silence.

Class 39 Class 39

In Class 39, you learn to do all the poses you learned so far in a sequence along with all the variations, thus making this another intense class. This class, too, is ideal for repetition, until you are comfortable moving from one pose to another. The class ends with deep breathing and a moment of silence.

Class 40 Class 40

​Class 40 revisits all the poses learned so far along with their names. This intense class is yet another one to help you become well established in the idea of correlating body and breath. This class, along with the previous classes, such as class 37, 38 and 39 – are very important for practicing and understanding this vital component in yoga – coordination between body and breath. When you get well established in this, you automatically understand the secret of calming the mind.

Class 41 Class 41

Class 41 covers the sitting poses beginning with the Thunderbolt (Vajrasana), the Salutation (Pranam), the Cat (Marjari) and the dynamic Tiger (Vyaghra). Then lying down you do the Serpent or Cobra and the Half Locust. The new pose you learn in this class is the Full Locust or Poorna Salabhasana. The class ends with the Moon pose and deep breathing cycles.

Class 42 Class 42

The class covers all the variations of the Thunderbolt and the Salutation poses. After the lying down poses poses such as the Serpent and the Locust, you are introduced to a new pose called the Flipped Boat or Urdhva Navasana. This is an excellent exercise for the upper and lower back muscles.

Class 43 Class 43

The poses of Class 42 are revised and you learn to move from one pose to another in sequence. You also learn how to safely get up after doing intense back bends. Towards the end, you do the Moon pose (Shashankasana) and 5 cycles of deep breathing.

Class 44 Class 44

After doing the usual routine of all the sitting and the lying down poses, you learn the variation of the Flipped Pose, where you raise both the feet and the hands and tone your back muscles. The class ends with the Moon pose and 5 cycles of deep breathing.

Class 45 Class 45

This class revisits everything learned so far, especially the new poses and variations learned in the last five classes. As always, this class ends with deep breathing cycles or Pranayama.

Class 46 Class 46

In addition to all the poses that you normally do, a new pose is introduced in this class. It’s called the Pigeon pose or Kapotasana. There are many variations to this pose - at this level of yoga, this pose is just being introduced.

Class 47 Class 47

After the usual sequence of sitting and lying down poses, you revisit the Pigeon pose and learn a variation to it. The class ends with the Cat and the Moon poses to relax your back and the usual 5 cycles of deep Ujjayi (Victorious) breath.

Class 48 Class 48

Class 48 does the complete collection of the sitting and lying down poses. In this class, you learn the 3 variation to the Pigeon pose (Kapotasana) - this involved a spinal twist while stretching forward and is an excellent exercise to tone the back and leg muscles. The class ends with 5 cycle of deep glottis breaths as usual.

Class 49 Class 49

Class 49 introduces you to yet another variation to the Pigeon pose - this involves the knees and is great for toning the knees and the butt muscles. The class begins and does all the other sitting and lying down poses which you should be familiar with by now.

Class 50 Class 50

This is an important class as it revisits all the poses learned so far, especially the Pigeon pose and all of its variations, learnt in the last 4 classes. You may want to repeat this class until you understand the overall sequence, including the Pigeon pose. The session ends with deep breathing cycles to help relax your mind.

Class 51 Class 51

Class 51 begins with a couple of sitting poses. In this class you are introduced to the Dog pose - another excellent exercise that tones your back and your wrists. You will need a pair of Yoga bricks from this class on. The pose is the Upward Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana.

Class 52 Class 52

Class 52 does all the poses learnt so far in a sequence. It then revisits the Upward Dog Pose learned in the previous class and here you learn the pose more in detail. The session ends with the Moon pose to relax you back and deep breathing cycles to relax your mind.

Class 53 Class 53

Class 54 Class 54

Class 55 Class 55

Class 55 covers all the poses and their variations in this sequence - the Thunderbolt, the Salutation, the Tiger, the Cat, the Pigeon, Upward Dog, Downward Dog, the Cobra, the Locust, the Flipped Boat and the Moon. You are then guided into deep breathing towards the end. This is a fairly intense class and you may need to repeat it a few times until you comfortable with the sequence and the pace of the class.

Class 56 Class 56

Class 56 begins with the Thunderbolt, does the Tiger and the Dog poses, then you learn a new sitting pose called the Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana). This is one of the most useful yoga poses since it does best to tone the entire length of the spine.

Class 57 Class 57

Class 57 does the Thunderbolt, the Tiger, the Pigeon and then you revisit the Spinal Twist (King of Fish pose). The class ends with the Moon pose to relax your back and deep breathing cycles.

Class 58 Class 58

In Class 58, after doing all the poses and the variations, you learn a new lying down pose, popularly called the Fish pose. This is another great exercise to open up the lungs and enable deep breathing while at the same time toning all the muscles of your back. Back bends are ideally introduced in yoga with the help of this pose.

Class 59 Class 59

Class 59 is a fast paced intense class, since it does many of the poses learnt earlier, including the Fish Pose you learnt in the previous class. The class ends with deep breathing sessions.

Class 60 Class 60

Class 60 revisits the new poses and the entire sequence learned in the last 5 classes. Another intense class, it may need repetition until you are comfortable with the pace. At this point, the intensity is pretty much at it’s peak for this beginner’s level of yoga. As you progress, you will learn more poses, but the intensity or pace of the class will not be more than what you experienced in the last 5 classes or so.

Class 61 Class 61

After the usual routine of sitting poses, dog poses and the spinal twists, you learn a new pose called the Ardha Pawan Muktasana, meaning the ‘Wind or Gas Relieving pose’. This pose helps to relieve excess gas in the stomach. It is also a great exercise for relieving the back muscles.

Class 62 Class 62

This class incorporates the new pose learned previously - The Gas Relief Pose or Pawanmuktasana, along with all other poses - beginning with the Thunderbolt, the Salutation, The Tiger, The Dog poses, the Serpent, the Locust, the Flipped boat, the Pigeon, the Spinal Twist and the Fish. The class ends with deep breathing cycles.

Class 63 Class 63

In Class 63, you learn a new variation to the Pawanmuktasana (Gas Relief Pose). In this variation you learn to twist the spine while lying down on you back - a very safe way to energize your back and relieve any aching muscles.

Class 64 Class 64

This class brings back the continuous sequence and movement from one pose to another routine. It is another intense class, so be ready to go along with the poses that are presented. You may want to repeat it more than once to get well acquainted.

Class 65 Class 65

This is another intense class, which covers all the poses in a sequence. Some of the variations may be skipped to accommodate all the poses. As always, the class begins with the Thunderbolt and the Salutation. This is followed by the Cat, the Tiger, the Dog poses. Then come the lying down poses - the Serpent (cobra), the Locust and the Flipped boat. Then we move on to the Pigeon, the Sitting Spinal Twist, the Fish and the Gas Relief poses. The class ends with deep breathing cycles.

Class 66 Class 66

Class 66 teaches you a new variation to the Pawanmuktasana. Just like you did the ‘knees to chest’ sequence in the Tiger Pose, you do a similar one in this pose. This begins the first steps in engaging your core muscles - simple steps to learning more advance poses in the future.

Class 67 Class 67

Class 67 basically revisits what you learned in the previous class. This revision, of course, is in addition the poses already learned, so you will be doing an intense class moving from one pose to another without much of a break.

Class 68 Class 68

In Class 68, you learn yet another variation of the Pawanmuktasana. This time, while lying down on your back, you learn to bring the knees to you chest and rotate that leg, with focus on the ‘ball and socket joint’ at the hip. This is a preventive exercise for any lower back problems.

Class 69 Class 69

Class 69 is an intense class packed with all the poses you have learned so far.

Class 70 Class 70

Class 70 is another intense class. This class and the previous class revisits everything you have learned so far and once again helps you in getting used to the intensity, the pace and in memorizing the sequence of the poses. You may want to do these two classes more than once until you are comfortable with the pace.

Class 71 Class 71

Class 71 introduces you to another variation of the Pawanmuktasana (Gas Relief Pose). This time you raise both you bent knees to your chest and squeeze down so all the internal vital organs get toned and massaged. This is also a wonderful exercise for helping to relieve any lower back aches and pains.

Class 72 Class 72

This class is packed with poses. The sequence will be as follows: The Thunderbolt, the Salutation, the Tiger, the Upward Dog, the Downward Dog, the Serpent, the Locust, the Flipped Boat, the Pigeon, the Spinal Twist, the Fish, the Gas Relieving pose and all its variations. The class ends with deep breathing cycles.

Class 73 Class 73

In Class 73, you learn another variation to the Pawanmuktasana. You learn to rotate both the legs simultaneously, while lying down on your back. Beginning from this class, some poses will be alternated between classes. Poses skipped in this class will be done in the next and so on. Back bends, such as the Serpent, the Locust, etc. are skipped in this class.

Class 74 Class 74

Class 74 focuses on all the back bending poses that you have learnt so far. So in addition the sitting poses, you move on to lying down on your stomach and do the back bends. The class ends with deep breathing cycles, as always.

Class 75 Class 75

Class 75 is packed with poses. In this class you replace the back bending sequence with the Pawanmuktasana series and variations. Towards the end, 5 cycles of deep breathing brings the class to a close.

Class 76 Class 76

Class 76 introduces you to yet another variation of the Pawanmuktasana. In this variation, you learn to twist the spine while lying down, while bringing both your knees to your chest. This variation, is by far, the best way to relax an aching back.

Class 77 Class 77

Class 77 focuses on back bends. The class begins with the usual Thunderbolt and variations. The sequence remains the same, except that instead of the Pawanmuktasana series, you do the back bend series.

Class 78 Class 78

In Class 78, you learn the final variation in the Pawanmuktasana series. While lying down on your back with knees bent and close to your chest, you learn to rock gently back and forth - this massaging your spine. This is very similar to the spinal roll in the warm routine, although you will need to do this more gently, as it is towards the end of your class.

Class 79 Class 79

Class 79 once again is an intense class that begins with the usual sitting poses, dog poses etc. Later, you focus on doing back bends. The class ends with deep breathing cycles, as always.

Class 80 Class 80

This is an intense class with back bends and forward bends. The pace of this class is pretty intense, so you may want to do this class more than one until you get used to the pace and know the sequence with all the new poses well.

Class 81 Class 81

Class 81 Starts with the Thunderbolt pose and its variation. You continue with the Tiger, Upward Dog, Downward Dog and the Pigeon poses.In this class, you learn yet another variation to the Pigeon pose (Kapotasana) - While sitting with one knee bent on the floor in front of you, hold the other ankle and bring the back leg up as far as possible. This variation stretches the hamstrings and the thighs. The class ends with cycles of deep breathing as usual.

Class 82 Class 82

Class 82 starts with the Thunderbolt pose and its variation. You continue with the Tiger, Upward Dog, Downward Dog and the Pigeon poses. The Pigeon pose variation is revised and learnt in more detail. All the poses are then done in sequence. The class ends, as always in deep breathing cycle.

Class 83 Class 83

Class 83 Introduces a the Boat pose (Navasana). You start the class with the Thunderbolt pose and its variations. You continue with the Tiger, Upward Dog, Downward Dog, and the Spinal twist. The Pigeon pose is skipped. You then learn the new pose and the class ends, as always in deep breathing cycle.

Class 84 Class 84

Class 84 is packed with poses. The sequence will be as follows: The Thunderbolt, the Tiger, the Upward Dog, the Downward Dog, the Serpent, the Locust, the Flipped Boat, the Pigeon, the Spinal Twist, the Boat with another new variation. The class ends with deep breathing cycles.

Class 85 Class 85

​Class 85 revisits all that you learned in the last few classes. This is an intense class and worth repeating few times until you are comfortable with the poses and their variations. You work the back and the core in this class. The class ends with deep breathing cycles.

Class 86 Class 86

Class 86 starts as always with the Thunderbolt pose and its variations. You continue with the Tiger, Upward Dog, Downward Dog. You are then introduced to a new backbend pose - the Camel pose (Ushtrasana). To ease the back after this, you do the Moon pose (Shashankasana) and the Pawanmuktasana series. Tthe class ends, as always with deep breathing.

Class 87 Class 87

Class 87 introduces you to another variation of the Ushtrasana (Camel pose). In this variation, you learn to drop your neck back while doing the pose. You continue with the usual sequence of poses and end the class with deep breathing.

Class 88 Class 88

Class 88 brings back the Boat Pose and you learn a new variation in this pose. The Boat pose works the core muscles and the lower back. It is very important to do this with the right support and breathing.

Class 89 Class 89

Class 89 revises the poses from the last class and focuses on the new variation of the Boat pose learnt in the previous class. It is an intense and continuous flow of poses ending with deep breathing.

Class 90 Class 90

Class 90 is packed with poses. The sequence will be as follows: The thunderbolt, the Tiger, the Upward Dog, the Downward Dog, the Serpent, the Locust, the Flipped Boat, the Camel,the Moon, the Pigeon, the Spinal Twist. The class ends with deep breathing cycles.

Class 91 Class 91

In Class 91 you learn the final variation of the Boat pose. This class teaches you the Boat pose as it is originally done. After this, you relax the back with the Pawanmuktana series.

Class 92 Class 92

Class 92 takes you through the initial sequence of poses starting with the Vajrasana(Thunderbolt). You then learn the Camel pose more in detail. You learn to use the bolster to support the back bend thus increasing the intensity of the pose. You end the class with deep breathing.

Class 93 Class 93

In Class 93 the focus is on the Core exercises through the Boat pose and its variations. The class starts with the Thunderbolt pose and goes through the Tiger pose, Upward dog, Downward dog, Pigeon and Spinal twist. You then spend some time strengthening your core followed by the Pawanmuktasana series and finally the deep breathing cycles.

Class 94 Class 94

Class 94 covers the following poses and their variations - The Thunderbolt,The Tiger, The Upward Dog, The Downward Dog, The Snake, The Locust, The Inverted Boat, The Camel, The Moon, The Pigeon, The Spinal Twist and The Fish. This will be fast paced as you will not stop to learn anything new. Deep breathing cycles towards the end help in bringing the session to a meditative close.

Class 95 Class 95

In Class 95 you flow from one pose to another. The sequence is different from the previous class :The Thunderbolt,The Tiger, The Upward Dog, The Downward Dog, The Pigeon, the Spinal twist, The Boat with variations, The Pawanmuktasana series and finally the deep breathing cycle.

Class 96 Class 96

Class 97 Class 97

In Class 97 you repeat what was learnt in the previous class and add some more poses. The whole sequence is fast paced and intense, synchronized with the breathing.

Class 98 Class 98

In Class 98 you continue the previous sequence along with the breathing. The poses are : The Thunderbolt, The Tiger, The Upward Dog, the Downward Dog, The Camel, The Pigeon, The Spinal Twist. You take a break and focus on the Core exercises and the Boat pose. It is advised that you repeat classes 96, 97 and 98 few times till you get comfortable moving with the breath.

Class 99 Class 99

Class 99 is intense. You flow from one pose to another coordinating your movements with your breath. The class starts with the Thunderbolt pose and goes through the Tiger pose, Upward dog, Downward dog,Camel, Moon, Snake,Locust, Inverted Boat, Pigeon,Spinal twist and then Fish. As always you end the class with deep breathing cycles.

Class 100 Class 100

Congratulations! You have reached the final class in this level. You continue the flow from one pose to another coordinating your movements with your breath. The sequence is: Thunderbolt , Salutation, Cat, Tiger, Upward dog, Downward dog, Pigeon,Spinal twist , Boat and finally Pawanmuktasana. As always, you end the class with deep breathing cycles.