An Introduction to True Leadership

The Discover Oneness Foundation offers many programs and services to inspire and empower your growth as a leader.

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Lesson 1 The Myths of Leadership

Did you know that many common leadership techniques are actually counterproductive?

Lesson 2 The Outcomes of Leadership

We often mistake a "leader" as someone who's successful, powerful, dominant, persuasive, and a winner. Unfortunately, what we're seeing exhibited are only some of the facets of "authority," not true leadership.

Lesson 3 What Drives Leadership?

What motivates you as a leader? Are you focusing on the opportunities to improve upon that will have the most significant impact?

Lesson 4 The Foundation of Leadership

Through analysis of ourselves and the way that our bodies and minds function, we will discover the fundamental Universal Truths surrounding us that are continuously at work.

Lesson 5 The Path of Leadership

We give leaders trophies, titles, endorsements and degrees, but they only become baggage, which hinders their journey. Their unnecessary medals, acclaim, and ego will only hold them back from climbing and surmounting the next mountain peak on their journey.