
LAW 8 Law of Values

“We can only live our inherent, true values, true integrity, when we are completely integrated with and immersed in the one Divine Power — Oneness.”

Oneness results in the removal of our illusionary egos, and we become truth and trustworthiness — essentially, integrity itself.

Integrity is one of those words, unlike discipline, that engages us in a positive and grounded way. We feel good when we display integrity. The thing about integrity, though, is that it is a 24-7 scenario, not a once-in-a-while opportunity to show off in front of others. Living our values 24-7 creates a clear pathway for us to follow, undeterred by life’s distractions and our egocentric desires. The outcome, integrity, will radiate outwardly to those around us. Combined with the other immutable Laws of Wisdom, we’re now in a position to truly lead ourselves, which will translate into providing true leadership for others.

We only activate or invoke our integrity, which otherwise lies dormant within us, when we first become one and completely integrate with the Oneness process and see the omnipresent one Divine power within everyone. This integrity empowers us beyond our wildest imagination to undertake unprecedented missions and objectives to add the highest value to our families, communities, businesses, and to all of humanity and the environment unconditionally.

It is important to realize that all our other values — honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, ethicalness, self-control, discipline, kindness, respect, gratefulness, lack of ego, selflessness, humility, dependability, honoring our promises, courage, fearlessness, loyalty, cleanliness, vision, fairness, a sense of humor, good communication and listening skills, the ability to be a team player, confidence, the ability to function at a high level — all organically come out of the seed of integrity, which originates from Oneness.


LAW 7 Law of Change


LAW 9 Law of Grace