
LAW 6 Law of Freedom

“We create real freedom through the discipline of Oneness, which guides us in choosing and living our values unconditionally.”

It is only the wisdom of Oneness that gives us our core value system, and we are then able to practice those values even when no one is watching. It is through living these values that we create our true freedom.

Discipline is one of those words from which most people shy away or even run away. We think in terms of strict teachers and intractable prison wardens watching and judging our every move. True discipline has nothing to do with that type of oversight. It’s about first determining what our values are and then following through at all times in practicing and living them. It has nothing to do with other people. If we’re practicing values for other people’s benefit, then we’ve missed out on the central theme of this immutable wisdom: to thine own self be true — period.

Once our values and discipline are firmly integrated into the fabric of our being, we have discovered true freedom, and nothing can deter us. Our total being unconditionally accepts the discipline to follow our values, and thus, discipline happens without resistance or thought; it’s an organic initiative and response all at the same time. Therefore, true discipline has less to do with willpower and more to do with a well-integrated value system. An integrated value system grounded in Oneness empowers and supports our willpower. In its absence, our willpower is merely a wish list.


LAW 5 Law of Leadership


LAW 7 Law of Change