
Habit 4 Practicing frugality to maximize your resources

Though the universe provides unlimited resources, since we do not own them, they can be taken away from us if we squander them or they are not put to proper use. Resources are gifted to us not for self-indulgence, but to make a difference to the bigger One, society. We must be responsible for the resources that are placed at our disposal, then the resources allocated to us will expand.

Frugality does not mean being cheap and mediocre, but instead employing the maximum utilization of all our resources and thereby bringing the highest quality, elegance, and creativity to all our endeavors. Since we are operating in Oneness, frugality means never taking advantage of others, cheating, compromising, or cutting corners. It is all about delivering excellence, and forever improving the quality of all that we undertake. When we are serving the highest power of the universe — the Oneness present within everyone we serve — there is no room for second best


Habit 3 Practicing an abundance mentality


Habit 5 Continuously learning and staying in student mode