
Habit 19 Discriminately using humor

The mind is a data-gathering instrument that not only collects incomplete information, but that information is often adulterated by our insecurities, greed, fears, and egos. Whereas our Souls, which remain pure, are connected to the Universal Power of the universe. That is why our Souls take everything lightly and a hearty laugh always touches our hearts and Souls.

It is known that the right humor in an intense environment will bypass the negativity created by the highly prejudiced brain and bring about the freshness of pure Soul. Often, the consequence is that the two parties that otherwise were at loggerheads with each other begin to laugh, tensions are reduced, and they begin to listen again.

Any humor that is denigrating or at the cost of someone’s dignity will always backfire. That is why when we practice humor in the absence of the prior 18 Habits, we will not be able to minimize the influence of our egos, and thus may end up exacerbating a situation rather than helping it.

The safest way to use this Habit is to learn to make fun of yourself without demeaning yourself in the process. Mastering the first 12 Self-Integration Habits will help you realize an intrinsic personal confidence vested in egoless Oneness, and your lightheartedness will allow you to make fun of and laugh at yourself.


Habit 18 Giving the credit and having the courage to take the blame


Habit 20 Thinking win-win in every interaction