
Habit 10 Operating in the present

The past is history and the future is only a dream. It is only by living in the present that we make history and fulfill our dreams.

Often, our worries about the future and bad experiences from the past deprive us of the concentration essential for bringing about excellence in all that we do. Living and operating in the present makes us immune to the traps of the past and anxieties about the future.

Our understanding and practicing of the previous 9 Habits imbeds us in the present and gives us enthusiastic engagement in the projects at hand that fully comply with our core purpose — adding the highest value to all of life. By staying in the present, we keep anxiety and frustration at bay, and we lock in our creative focus with every task before us, which ensures excellence in all that we do.


Habit 9 Living and working with endless enthusiasm


Habit 11 Practice unconditional living